Knowledge Base

Basic usage

Hidden markups and Manager/Client View

The app offers possibility to add hidden markups to costs of employees, subcontractors or job expenses so to make larger profit for the company. These hidden markups will increase the cost of a job and enables higher profit for the company but only if you agree with client to work with your (regular) markup when the job cost is calculated from your labor, material and expenses plus your markup.

If you activate Client View, you and your client will see employee cost, expenses and subcontractors cost increased by hidden markup and price of the job that is already calculated with those increased values, so Client will see that cost of a job is "regular". So if you want to check ​on real costs ​without hidden markup,​ simply switch to Manager View mode and go to job report to see the specified amounts for job costs and company markup. Client/Manager is activated from the drop-down menu​ on the Home Page.

For more info, please watch this video How to Videos

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